How to Debug Drupal 10 Errors

Debugging errors in Drupal 10 can be a challenging task, especially if you’re not familiar with the underlying code and architecture of the platform. However, there are several tools and techniques you can use to troubleshoot and fix errors on your Drupal 10 site. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most commonly used methods for debugging errors in Drupal 10, and how to use them to quickly and effectively resolve issues on your site.

The first step in debugging errors in Drupal 10 is to enable error reporting. By default, Drupal will display a white screen of death (WSOD) when an error occurs, but this doesn’t provide much information about the cause of the error. To enable error reporting, you can open the “settings.php” file in the “sites/default” folder of your Drupal installation, and add the following code at the bottom of the file:


ini_set(‘display_errors’, TRUE);

ini_set(‘display_startup_errors’, TRUE);

This will display detailed error messages when an error occurs, allowing you to identify the problem more easily.

Another important tool for debugging errors in Drupal 10 is the watchdog. The watchdog is a built-in logging system that records all events, actions, and errors that occur on your site. By default, the watchdog logs information to the “watchdog” table in your site’s database, but you can also configure it to send log messages to a file or an email address. To view the watchdog log, you can navigate to the “Reports” page in the administrative interface, and select the “Recent log messages” report.

In addition to enabling error reporting and using the watchdog, you can also use the Devel module to aid in debugging errors. The Devel module provides a suite of developer tools, including the ability to generate dummy content, view variables, profile performance and more. With the Devel module, you can also use the function dpm() to print variables to the screen in a human-readable format, or the function dsm() to view the available variables in a specific namespace.

Another way to debug errors in Drupal 10 is to use the Xdebug extension. Xdebug is a powerful PHP extension that provides detailed information about the execution of a PHP script, including the variables, functions, and arguments that were called. You can use Xdebug to profile your code and identify bottlenecks, and also to trace the execution of your code and see how variables change. To use Xdebug, you’ll need to have it installed on your server and also have a client that supports Xdebug, such as PHPStorm.

Lastly, checking the log files generated by your server, such as Apache or Nginx, can also be a useful method for debugging errors. These logs can often provide detailed information about the cause of an error, such as the specific file or line of code that caused the problem, which can be useful for troubleshooting.

In conclusion, debugging errors in Drupal 10 can be a challenging task, but by utilising built-in tools such as error reporting, watchdog and the Devel module, along with using external tools like Xdebug and checking log files, you can quickly and effectively resolve issues on your site. To improve your debugging skills further, seek resources such as Drupal documentation, tutorials and forums, and also familiarize yourself with web development best practices and web debugging tools to master debugging in Drupal 10.