How to Use Drupal 10 REST API

Drupal is a powerful content management system (CMS) that allows developers to create robust and dynamic websites and web applications. One of the key features of Drupal is its support for the Representational State Transfer (REST) application programming interface (API), which allows developers to interact with Drupal’s backend data and functionality in a flexible and efficient manner. In this article, we’ll explain how to use the Drupal 10 REST API to create custom functionality and integrate Drupal with other systems.

Before diving into the specifics of using the Drupal 10 REST API, it’s important to understand the basics of REST and how it differs from other types of APIs. REST is an architectural style that is based on the principles of the HTTP protocol, which is the backbone of the World Wide Web. In a RESTful API, resources are accessed and manipulated using standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. Each resource is identified by a unique URI, and the data is typically returned in a standard format like JSON or XML.

Drupal 10 comes with built-in support for RESTful web services, which allows developers to expose data and functionality via a REST API. The core REST module provides a basic RESTful API for retrieving and updating content, and additional modules like JSON:API and HAL can be used to extend the functionality of the API.

To get started with the Drupal 10 REST API, you’ll first need to enable the core REST module by navigating to the “Extend” page in your Drupal site’s administrative interface. Once the module is enabled, you can begin configuring the API by creating REST resource configurations, which define which data and functionality will be exposed via the API.

The process of creating a REST resource configuration involves defining the path of the API endpoint, the available HTTP methods (e.g., GET, POST, PUT), and the serialisation format for the data (e.g., JSON, XML). You can also use the built-in permissions system to control access to the API and specify which users and roles are allowed to access certain resources.

Once you’ve created your REST resource configurations, you can begin interacting with the Drupal 10 REST API using standard HTTP tools like curl or a REST client like Postman. To retrieve data from the API, you’ll need to make a GET request to the appropriate endpoint, and to update or create new data, you can use the POST or PUT methods.

Using the Drupal 10 REST API, you can create custom functionality and integrations with other systems. For example, you can use the API to create a custom front-end for your Drupal site, or to connect your site to a mobile app, IoT device, or other external service. You can also use the API to automate tasks like content publishing, data migration, and user management.

In Conclusion, Drupal 10 offers a strong and flexible REST API that allows developers to create custom functionality and integrations. By enabling the core REST module and creating REST resource configurations, you can expose data and functionality via a RESTful API. With standard HTTP methods, you can retrieve and modify data from the API, allowing you to create a custom front-end, connect your site to external services and automate tasks.

To get a deeper understanding on how to utilise the Drupal 10 REST API and to see the full possibilities of Drupal, it is recommended to have a good understanding of the general API development, and Drupal’s architecture. Therefore, it’s worth it to practice, experiment and seek resources such as Drupal documentation and tutorials, API development tutorials and forums to master the Drupal 10 REST API.